I’m Chris Slaughter
About Me
Operations and Engineering Professional
Expertly Improves Processes to Positively Impact Profitability
Highly adaptable professional with 6 years of engineering experience, and 3 years of nuclear power plant operations experience. Detailed knowledge of electrical theory, fluid mechanics, nuclear power plant operations, computer aided design, failure modes effects analysis, manufacturing processes, technical writing, procedure development, training, and classroom instruction. Motivated self-starter, with a desire to improve processes and maximize efficiency. Proven leader who is skilled at managing projects which result in increased efficiency, lower possibility of errors, and significant cost savings.
Areas of Expertise
Computer Aided Design
Power Plant Operations
Process Engineering
Technical Writing
Professional Experience
2018 - Present
Dominion Energy
Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Power Station
Jenkinsville, South Carolina
Engineering Technical Specialist III
Serves as the Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD) Site Administrator for the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1.
Responsible for the development, maintenance, revision, and verification of over 120,000 drawings that are used to conduct day-to-day operations at a major nuclear power plant. These drawings serve to maintain Configuration Control of systems and equipment at the nuclear power plant.
Completed over 1,200 drawings in the span of only 1 year, which positively affected over 100 Engineering Change Requests (ECRs), and worked extensively with the Responsible Engineers for those ECRs to identify and correct any potential issues.
Supported the successful implementation of the nuclear station’s 24th, 25th, and 26th Refueling Outages by providing continuous drawing support for Outage ECRs, ensuring that all Operability and Return-to-Service (ORS) targets were met on schedule, or ahead of schedule.
For Refueling Outages 25 and 26, anticipated the drawing workload months in advance, and created a repository for As-Built Drawings that the Responsible Engineers could utilize during ORS. This saved many man-hours during the Outage and contributed toward the V.C. Summer team breaking a station record in outage duration. Refueling Outage 25 was the shortest refueling outage at the station to-date, since commercial operation began in 1984.
Successfully trained Engineers and site personnel on Autodesk AutoCAD and Raster Design Tools 2014, Autodesk AutoCAD and Raster Design Tools 2020, Bentley MicroStation V8i, and Bentley MicroStation Connect Edition.
Led the site through an upgrade of our CAD Software, from AutoCAD 2014 to AutoCAD 2020. Worked with personnel at the Dominion Energy South Carolina Corporate Headquarters to develop and test a new method of installation and license seat allocation, which granted permissions for AutoCAD through the Corporate Information Technology (IT) program and allowed authorized Engineers to install AutoCAD 2020 on their PCs without having to tie up precious IT resources.
Serves as one of three people at V.C. Summer hand-selected by the Site Vice President to join the Innovation Envoy pilot program. Helped personnel at V.C. Summer innovate and find better, more efficient ways of doing business.
​Piloting an improved 3D Scanning and Modeling program at V.C. Summer to allow for the reverse-engineering and manufacture of obsolete piping components for the Safety-Related Class 1E Emergency Diesel Generators and other plant components. This program will help to address obsolescence issues that are prevalent in the nuclear industry, where the previous manufacturer of the obsolete part has gone out of business. This enhanced 3D Scanning and Modeling program will allow for scanning, modeling, reverse engineering, and manufacturing of obsolete parts that would otherwise be extraordinarily difficult to source.
2017 - 2018
Westinghouse Electric Company
Nuclear Fuel Division
Hopkins, South Carolina
Mechanical Engineering Technician III
Responsible for the development, revision, and verification of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings, which are used for configuration control of the systems and equipment in a major nuclear fuel manufacturing plant.
Served as the liaison between the Engineering department, project craft personnel, and other project stakeholders; ensuring that any issues with projects are identified, communicated, and resolved in a timely manner.
Served as the Safety Representative for 3 departments with a combined headcount of 52 people. Developed and shared Safety Topics, Operating Experience, and safety presentations, planned and coordinated safety training classes, and serves as a Unit Evaluator for Corrective Action Reports and At-Risk Condition Reports; which helped improve company safety culture, and helped to ensure that all department and plant personnel follow all company, industry, and OSHA safety requirements.
Created and revised over 300 design drawings in AutoCAD, Inventor, and SolidWorks, including Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams, Isometric Diagrams, Equipment Drawings, Piping Plan Drawings, Construction Drawings, and Arrangement Drawings, which positively affected 55 projects; and worked extensively with subject matter experts to identify project requirements and find ways to mitigate potential issues.
Developed 25 detailed drawings for a $350K Chiller replacement project, and worked extensively with the project engineer and key stakeholders to resolve any potential issues with construction that would negatively affect the project.
Created and revised 32 design drawings, and supervised installation of a $1.32M Incinerator HVAC system upgrade project; which allowed for the project to be completed on time and within budget, while meeting all applicable safety, configuration control, and operational requirements.
Revised a site-wide procedure detailing Procedure Use & Adherence requirements, to ensure that the circle-slash method became the standardized method of place-keeping to be utilized by all personnel; which greatly improved personnel safety, and clarified place-keeping expectations site-wide.
Developed a process and project plan for labeling over 5,000 components in the Westinghouse nuclear fuel manufacturing facility and integrating these components into a Computerized Maintenance Management System, which will significantly improve equipment maintenance processes, significantly improve equipment operating procedures, and decrease the risk of component mis-positioning and lock-out tag-out errors.
Lindler's Construction of South Carolina, LLC
Newberry, South Carolina
Project Coordinator and Estimator
Responsible for the development, scheduling, cost analysis, and implementation of construction projects.
Developed a project plan to evaluate, procure, and integrate 3D Takeoff Software, used for estimating the cost and material requirements of grading and paving projects, into the business management system; which resulted in more accurate quotations for customers, and better planning for materials needed on the job site.
Created a new quotation template, which resulted in more accurate quotations for customers, and reduced the time required to complete quotations by over 25%
Created, revised, and submitted 30 utility locate requests through the South Carolina 811 system, which reduced the possibility of construction crews accidentally contacting utility lines that were buried underground.
Created a project plan to evaluate, procure, and integrate Microsoft Project software into the business management system, which resulted in more accurate schedule development and adherence for the company.
2014 - 2017
South Carolina Electric & Gas
Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Power Station
Jenkinsville, South Carolina
Non-Licensed Operator
Responsible for the safe and efficient operation of a nuclear power plant.
Served as one of four Operators hand-selected to work on Piping & Instrumentation Diagram verification and component labeling verification of the V.C. Summer Offsite Water Treatment System (OWS), which helped ensure that the OWS system would be ready for commissioning and startup.
Created and revised over 150 Operations training drawings and presentations, utilizing Microsoft Visio, AutoCAD, Adobe Acrobat, and Microsoft PowerPoint, which resulted in a 100% pass rate on a Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator systems comprehensive exam for 24 Initial License Operator (ILO) students. Before this training material was revised, the average pass rate for this same exam, for previous ILO Classes, was around 70%.
Developed a process and project plan for labeling over 12,000 components in two new Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear power plants, which would have resulted in significant cost savings and improved accuracy of all component labels in the power plants.
Trained 12 instructors from 4 different companies on how to design, develop, and revise high-quality Operations training material, which greatly improved their training material development skill sets.
Provided oversight of a major nuclear power plant construction project, through targeted observations and inspections on the construction site; which helped to ensure that over 5,000 workers met all applicable OSHA safety requirements.
Inspected and operated equipment in a nuclear power plant, including valves, switches, pumps, and breakers; allowing for V. C. Summer Unit 1 to operate safely throughout its online cycle.
Reviewed and followed operating procedures and processes, which kept over 600 power plant personnel safe.
Successfully completed Non-Licensed Operator training classes with an average of 94%, and demonstrated a mastery of nuclear plant systems and operational knowledge.
Supported a refueling outage at V. C. Summer Nuclear Station Unit 1, which allowed for safe operation into the online operating cycle at Unit 1.
Maintained security clearance for un-escorted access authorization at a nuclear power plant, which allowed for the ability to perform all required duties in all areas of the nuclear power plant.
Created and revised Non-Licensed Operator, Reactor Operator, and Senior Reactor Operator training material, and significantly improved the material, which allowed for a 30% increase in Operations trainee success rates.
Managed a major training material upgrade project, which affected two nuclear power utilities, and greatly improved the quality of the training material given to students across both utilities.
South Carolina Electric & Gas
Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Power Station
Jenkinsville, South Carolina
Nuclear Operations Intern
Learned about Operator Fundamentals, Reactor Theory, Instrumentation and Control Systems, Primary and Secondary Systems, allowing for a solid understanding of nuclear plant theory and operation.
Successfully completed the Plant Operator Selection System (POSS) Exam.
2012 - 2014
Elite Electronic Systems, LLC
Ridgeway, South Carolina
Process Engineering Intern
Assisted with process efficiency and engineering projects designed to evaluate and improve international contract electronic manufacturing services.
Served the Lead Engineer for Computer-Aided Design (CAD), for the United States facility.
Project Highlights
Served as the only engineer at the United States facility with full authorization to change company-wide documentation and CAD details, and worked extensively with engineering personnel from Northern Ireland to improve the CAD process throughout the company.
Developed new CAD engineering procedures which resulted in a ten-fold savings of required CAD engineering time for the entire company.
Developed and presented procedures for product assembly, CAD engineering, document control, quality control, and data transfer; resulting in significant process improvements.
Wrote technical manuals, created and updated a database of over 2,000 product assembly instructions, created and edited over 250 CAD drawings; which streamlined multiple aspects of the production process.
Developed and implemented a new production process that reduced production time by over 50%, significantly improved the quality of workmanship, and led to significant cost savings in excess of $90K per year.
Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Mechanical Engineering Technology
Midlands Technical College
Columbia, South Carolina
Certificate - Nuclear Systems Technology
Midlands Technical College
Columbia, South Carolina
Certificate - Mechanical Technology Fundamentals
Midlands Technical College
Columbia, South Carolina
Scholar's List, President's List, MTC Foundation Scholarship Recipient, SCANA/SCE&G Scholarship Recipient, STEM Scholarship Recipient, Duke Energy Scholarship Recipient
Professional Skills
General Skills
Project Management, Technical Writing, Computer-Aided Design & Drafting (CAD), Training, Procedure Development, Troubleshooting and Communication
Skilled in the following Software
Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Bentley MicroStation, Creaform VXElements, Microsoft Office Professional Suite, Microsoft Visio Professional, Microsoft Project Professional, SAP Crystal Reports, NiceLabel Designer PowerForms Suite, Adobe Acrobat Professional, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks, Dassault Systèmes Enovia Matrix, CHAMPS, Microsoft SharePoint, IBM PAMS, IBM Maximo, Wix ADI Editor
Volunteer Experience
2021 - Present
Steward, Webmaster, and Social Media Lead
Boyleston Masonic Lodge No. 123
Currently serving as a Steward at Boyleston Lodge.
Chairman of the Social Media Committee
Webmaster of Boyleston Lodge
Designed and successfully implemented a new website for Boyleston Lodge No. 123 (https://www.BoylestonLodge.com)
2020Â - Present
Member of the Board of Trustees
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Serving as a Member of the Board of Trustees at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Irmo, South Carolina.
Currently providing Project Management for a $22K Audio and Video Enhancement Project. This project includes: Installing a new Audio Mixer in the Sanctuary, Installing a 2 Camera Video High-Definition Video Streaming system in the Sanctuary, Moving the AV Equipment Rack from the Choir Balcony to an Office, Installing a Laser Projector in the Fellowship Hall, and Installing a Crestron Integrated Control System for the Projector, Sound System, and Screen in the Fellowship Hall.
Successfully built out a distributed power system in the ceiling of multiple rooms in the church, which encompasses 4 separate buildings on a single unified electrical circuit.
Successfully built out a Mesh Wi-Fi Network throughout the church to support the AV Enhancement Project.
Replaced 60 light bulbs in the Church Sanctuary with LED fixtures, resulting in a 97% reduction in electricity use for the same amount of lighting.
Converted the Church Sign to LED Backlighting which is brighter and uses only 25% of the energy as the Fluorescent Tube Light backlights used.
Replaced 5 metal-halide wall pack lights mounted to the side of the building with LED fixtures.
Replaced 2 metal-halide pole-mounted light fixtures with LED fixtures.
Added 2 in-ceiling speakers in the Church Lobby with an integrated Volume Control, so Security Personnel can listen to the Church Services.
2020 - Present
Board Member and Website & Social Media Director
Ballentine Community Association
Serving as a Board Member of the Ballentine Community Association.
Worked to prevent the closure of two major roads in the Chapin area.
Created a new website for the Ballentine Community Association (https://www.BallentineCommunity.com) which has received high praise from the members and the community.
2019 - Present
Legislative Affairs Lead and Public Information Committee Member
North American Young Generation in Nuclear - National Operations
Worked with the NAYGN National Board of Directors to successfully implement innovative SoftEdge CongressPlus advocacy software, which allows us to stay informed about Bills in Congress dealing with Nuclear Energy, and organize a grassroots campaign throughout the US and Canada in support of Nuclear Energy.
Created 4 "Take Actions" in the SoftEdge CongressPlus software which allowed over 100 people from around the US to provide input to their US Representatives and US Senators, in support of Nuclear Energy.
Assisted with the redevelopment of the new and improved NAYGN Website (https://www.NAYGN.org)
2018 - Present
Osprey Homeowners Association
Provided direction for a neighborhood Homeowners Association Board of Directors. Accomplishments include:
Successful Planning, Design, and Construction of a $30K Community Pavilion.
Creating the Osprey HOA Website (https://www.OspreyHOA.com), which has received high praise from our HOA’s Management Company and members of the Ballentine Community Association - an organization made up of various HOAs and businesses in the Irmo and Chapin community.
Working with the Ballentine Community Association and other HOAs in our area to help stop the closure of 2 heavily-traveled roads in our community.
Replacing our broken halogen lights which illuminate the sign at neighborhood entrance, with LED lights which use only 16% of the electricity that the halogen lights used and are also significantly brighter than the halogen lights.
Placing slats in the fence to hide the Sewer Lift Station on Lanyard Lane.
Adding 3 Crape Myrtle Trees and bushes in front of the Detention Basin at the end of Lanyard Lane.
Adding a Crape Myrtle Tree in the Common Area at the intersection of Calypso Court and Helmsman Lane.
Re-building the Swing Set on the Playground so it is safer for families to use.
Closing the bottom of the Pirate Ship to make the Playground safer for children.
Cleaning and repainting the neighborhood street signage and having a ceramic coating added to the sign posts to protect the paint.
Replacing the faded signage at the Playground Entrance with newer, more attractive signage.
Working with multiple vendors to repair our sprinkler system, including rewiring of sprinkler zones, replacement of sprinkler heads and piping, and boring and placing a new sprinkler main line under Cordage Drive.
Negotiating and coordinating with a major pressure washing vendor in our area to offer Pressure Washing services at a significant discount to the neighborhood.
Adding electrical outlets to the neighborhood sign for lighted Halloween and Christmas decorations to be used.
Adding security cameras and a license plate camera to the neighborhood entrance, which has helped the Richland County Sheriff’s Department with criminal investigations.
Removing 15 hazardous trees from the neighborhood common areas.
Enhancing the Scope of Work for Landscaping that allows the HOA to have and maintain higher landscaping standards than we have had before.
Negotiating with, and successfully hiring, our current landscaper after the previous landscaper retired abruptly earlier this year.
Restarting the Osprey Social Committee, Yard of the Month Contest, and Holiday Decorations Contest.
Working with another Director to implement Food Truck Fridays, which have been a popular neighborhood event.
Creating Quarterly Newsletters for the HOA members to have a better understanding of what the Board of Directors are working on.
Finding and retaining a vendor to maintain our Detention Basin at the end of Lanyard Lane.
2018 - Present
Professional Development Chair, Social Networking Chair, and Public Information Chair
North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NAYGN) - V.C. Summer Chapter
Resurrected the V.C. Summer Chapter and increased engagement and visibility of the NAYGN Chapter throughout the site.
Planned and successfully executed multiple site tours.
Planned a Dominion Energy Nuclear Peer Tour Program. Hosted 40 co-workers from Dominion's sister nuclear plants in Virginia and Connecticut for a 3 day benchmarking trip, which was very benificial for everyone involved.
Additional Skills
Amateur Radio Operator
General Class License
Third Degree Level 4 Black Belt